DISCUS Craft Advisory Council Wraps Up Successful D.C. Fly-In Following Key Legislative Meetings

WASHINGTON – Members of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States’ (DISCUS) Craft Advisory Council (CAC) met in Washington D.C. from October 17-18 to meet with key members of Congress and discuss top policy issues facing their businesses and the overall spirits’ sector.

Craft distillers met with their home-state legislators and shared the severe economic strain they are under due to inflation and continued supply chain disruptions; the looming threat of the reimposition and doubling of the EU’s retaliatory tariffs on American Whiskey; and the important economic contributions distillers make to their state and local communities.

Distillers who participated in the legislative meetings were: Alex Castle, Old Dominick Distillery, Memphis, TN; Jerry DiNallo, Lobos 1707, New York, NY; Amir Peay, James E. Pepper, Lexington, KY; Jason Ericson, Tropical Distillers, Miami, FL; Brooke Glover, Swilled Dog Spirits, Upper Tract, WV; and Felicia Keith-Jones, High Mark Distillery, Reno, NV.

“We had a great day on Capitol Hill talking with legislators about our craft distilleries and the positive impact we are making in our communities from boosting jobs and tourism to supporting local farmers,” said Alex Castle, master distiller for Old Dominick Distillery in Memphis, TN.  “As members of the DISCUS Craft Advisory Council, we also shared the continued challenges craft distilleries across the country are facing including high inflation and excessive taxation. We recognize it is an incredible busy time in Washington, and we greatly appreciated the time these leaders gave us to hear about our small businesses back home.”

The CAC capped off the D.C. visit by attending the grand celebration event at DISCUS’ new headquarters where more than 250 guests raised a glass to DISCUS 50th anniversary.

“At DISCUS, we are always advocating for policies on Capitol Hill to better support our craft distillers, but nothing compares to having them here with us in D.C. to share their stories directly with legislators,” said Chris Swonger, president and CEO at DISCUS. “We were thrilled to bring such an engaged group of distillers to D.C. to meet with their members of Congress, and even more excited to celebrate with them at the 50th anniversary party at our new Cocktail Caucus Bar. These fly-ins make a real difference in the legislative arena, and we know the personal stories our craft distillers shared will have lasting impacts on their representatives.”
